Message from the Chancellor

Dr. Kibathi Mbugua

I want to welcome you, our new students, to this outstanding institution. This is now your University and it is certainly an exclusive place, where you matter most. You will soon realize what an exceptional place Gretsa is indeed.

As you explore your campus, your voyage of discovery will guide your path towards graduation. Along the way, I am sure you will discover: Not only are these professionals great teachers, in addition they are well-known researchers, presenters, and artists in their own right. Indeed we are acknowledged in Gretsa for our quality. You will have many opportunities to work closely with this dedicated group of educators.

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Dr. Peter Karanja PhD
PhD, M.A, B.Ed
Welcome to Gretsa University, the preferred progressive Private University located in Thika Town. We at Gretsa are committed to producing competent and competitive graduates as guided by our vision of being a distinctive University that provides affordable and quality education relevant to the individual and society.

We keep our promise and assure you of skilled value for money guided support as you seek to develop your academic and professional credentials. Choose Gretsa University.

Board of Trustees

Dr. (Hon) Margaret N. Mbugua
Prof. Daniel M. Mukunya
BSc, MSc, PhD, EBS
Prof. Rev. Gerishon M. Kirika
BA, MDiv, MTh, Ph.D
Fackson W. Kagwe
Eileen W. Mbugua
George K. Mbugua
Diploma Hotel Management

University Governing Council

Prof. Francis N. Kibera
Chairperson Governing Council
Professor Francis Ndungu Kibera is a founder member of Komothai Professional and Business People As Association. He has over thirty (30) Years experience as an academician, researcher, and consultant in business management, and as a community service provider in Komothai and other regions of the country.

He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Toronto, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Alberta, both in Canada, and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of East Africa (University College Nairobi).

Council - Members

Prof. Daniel M. Mukunya
BSc, MSc, PhD, EBS
Catherine W. Mbugua
Lucy Kamau
BEd, MEd
Eng. Humphrey Mwaura
BSc, MSc
James Wachira
C.P.A (K), MBA (Marquette University) US
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