Welcome to our School of Health Sciences

The School endeavors to train competent Health Professionals who will approach health issues with a holistic perspective and critically analyze problems with a view of integrating theory and practice in the assessment and provision of diagnostic, curative, preventive and promotive Health Care Services so as to meet the dynamic health needs of the community.

Join us for a transformative educational journey.

Intakes in Jan, May and September 2024
John Kimathi
Department of Health Science

A passionate advocate for health and a distinguished researcher in the School of Health Sciences garnering attention in innovation and potential impact on healthcare practices. Inspires students to explore the intersection of research and practical health solutions.

Mr. Samuel Ongeri
Quality Assurance Officer
Quality Assurance

Diligently overseeing various quality aspects within the university, ensuring that all programs and activities meet the required standards. Our commitment lies in upholding excellence across the institution in teaching, learning, research, and support services. At the heart of our mission is the belief that quality is the most valuable asset, a cornerstone that ensures our graduates emerge as well-rounded individuals

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