Welcome to our Department of Library and Information Science

Where academic rigor meets real-world relevance. Our programs cultivate informed, open-minded, and adaptable graduates, proficient in technology, business acumen, and societal impact. We foster a lifelong passion for learning and empower future job creators with excellent communication and analytical skills.

Join us for a transformative educational journey.

Intakes in Jan, May and September 2024

Frankline Mugambi
Head, Library and Information Services
Library and Information Services

The Department of Information Science is a community of students, scholars, staff and alumni dedicated to improving society through information organization for easier access and decision making. Information is one of the most valuable assets in todays organizations. This has created demand for people with skills to handle information in many settings—professionals who can access and interpret a wealth of internal and external information rapidly and effectively for organizations in the public and private sectors. Join us for the opportunity to become an information professional through the different academic programmes from Certificate, Diploma to degree.

Elijah Njuguna
Department of Library and Information services

Professional career in research and a passion for technological advancements, to inspire students to explore the evolving landscape of information.

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